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Running aground can happen to anyone who operates a boat, large or small. How you handle the aftermath will determine whether you will continue your trip on the water or return to your home port by car.

The consequences of running aground are usually major problems that can spoil your day. Trying to power off can result in additional damages. A call for assistance is prudent and may save you from an expensive repair bill.

Careful manipulation, by skilled providers, will most often quickly free and float your boat to water deep enough for a damage report to be made. When a large boat is aground, temporary tightening of the shafts and rudder stuffing boxes could be required. This action will reduce the water intake and make possible a tow to the nearest deep water dockage for evaluation or lift out.

A total underwater inspection of all gear can be accomplished at dockside and a list of damages compiled. Assessment inside the engine room will also be necessary to be certain your connections are secure. Motor mounts pulled loose or even fly wheel housings shattered can result from a hard grounding. Attempting to continue a cruise before adequate repairs are completed can risk total loss of the boat and the lives of those aboard.

If you chose an in-water repair, do a sea trial before getting underway to continue your cruise. Ask a representative of the repair company to accompany you. If you detect any vibration in your running gear, don’t be in a hurry, have it re-examined to determine the cause.

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One Response to If You Run Aground

  1. TOM O'KEEFE says:

    If you run aground in a sailboat with a keel, heeling the boat with weight swung out on the boom or by hauling sideways from a masthead spinnaker halyard will often get you off a soft grounding.

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