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There are many electronic marvels to assist boaters. These instruments are truly a great asset to boaters, but the fact they are so accurate can create a false sense of security. If your GPS or chart map failed during a storm, would you be at a loss for navigation?

The use of these electronics is not intended to replace compasses or simple depth sounders. Calibration of a compass can be easily accomplished and should be done yearly. A lead line dropped over the side can determine depth. Navigation aids are intended to tell boaters where they are and give directions as to what course to take. To recognize these directions, you need a chart and you need to be able to read it.

If you do not understand the meaning of buoys, cannot read a chart or do not know why lighthouses flash, revolve or blink, then you need a course in navigation. You will learn how to understand navigational aids which will make boating more enjoyable and safer.

Boating education classes are available through:
• U.S.C.G. Auxiliary
• U.S. Power Squadron
• County Marine Sheriff’s Departments
• Books, such as Chapman’s, & videos at the library

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One Response to Navigation

  1. navigation many people now use there GPS on the units to run at night. The are not watching what is out in front and are running over other boats that are out there. Bass Boats run so much faster now that the lights are no longer adequate they blend into the light on shore in many places on our lakes. Maybe a white strobe light as the anchor would break that up and be more visible on the lakes. We need to do something to help keep everyone safe. We had two boat wrecks on Sam Rayburn this year in the Big Bass Splash tournament that I know of and both was watching GPS units.

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