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While some would say that the time to go fishing is anytime you can, the very best summer fishing trips call for a bit of planning. The waterways are busier, the temperatures are higher, and you want to maximize your time on the water with family. Make your summer fishing trips safer and easier by considering these suggestions.summer fishing

• Plan to go fishing before dawn or as it gets closer to dusk. Not only will you be more comfortable avoiding the hottest periods of the day, but the fish will be more likely to bite as well. If you have no other option, but to fish during the middle of the day, look for areas that offer plenty of shade.

• Select your summer fishing spots carefully. If you plan to bring kids along on your trips, it’s a good idea to find out if there are showers, bathrooms, and other activity options nearby. You should also check to make sure that the waterway you choose is easily accessible given the type of vehicle and boat you plan to bring.

• Try to schedule a few mid-week summer fishing trips. The kids are out of school and just itching for things to do. If you have extra vacation days to use, why not use them for a fishing staycation? Going on a fishing trip during the middle of the week can mean a lot less boat traffic and fishing pressure.

• Check a solunar calendar before planning the date of your summer fishing trip. While a solunar calendar won’t accurately predict fish activity during periods of inclement weather, or if there is heavy cloud cover, it can help you determine which days have a greater likelihood of increased activity due to a full moon or new moon period.

• Keep an eye on the weather. Reschedule your trip if there is a high chance of lightning or thunderstorms in the forecast. When you are out on the water, stay alert and aware because summer storms can form quickly.

• Bring the right gear and baits along. If you plan to take the kids fishing for bluegill, for example, leave the heavy fast-action rods behind. Bring ultralight rods instead, and make sure you have plenty of live bait to keep the action consistent.

• Make sure you bring along the proper type and number of personal flotation devices, plenty of sunscreen, drinking water, non-perishable snacks, insect repellant, and a first-aid kit.

Remember these tips so that your summer fishing adventures are safer and more relaxing for everyone aboard.

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